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5 home remedies to get rid of the dark circles naturally & fast!

People with dark circles always look tired & are worried that they are going to be stuck with them forever, "Don't worry" there is a lot of effective home remedies which will eventually remove your dark circles and make your eyes look fresh and healthy.

1. Raw Potato:

Potato is very effective for removing dark circle as it contains bleaching agents that will help to fade the dark circles and make your eyes look fresh.


Cut the slices of potato and make them crush then squeezed the juice from it.This juice should be applied directly to your eyes before going to bed. Repeat this process daily to get rid from dark circles quickly.


Tomato is another most effective remedy to get cured from dark circles naturally. It contain vitamin A, vitamin B & vitamin C. 


Cut a slice of tomato and place it on your eyes. It will gradually lighten your dark circles.

3. Rice Flour:

Rice flour can be used to reduce dark circles as it is a very effective home remedy to lighten skin tone.It will not only reduce dark circles but can also remove warts, dark spots and tanned skin.


Take 1 tablespoon of rice flour and mix it well with a warm milk then apply this paste on your under eyes for 15 minutes.

4. Lemon & Honey:

Lemon and honey is another great way to remove dark circles. They contain hydrochloric acid which will be used to lighten dark circles and remove dead skin around the eyes. 


Take 1 teaspoon of lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix it well and apply to your eyes this is quicker way to lighten your dark cirlces in just a week.

5. Cucumber:

Cucumber is amazing for the eyes as it will soothe them and make them fresh.


Cut a slice of cucumber and place it on your eyes for 30 minutes.

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